You may have to register before you can post: click the register link above to proceed. Do a search 'e39' to find information on how to diagnose. com on Octoby guest more than 1,000 cut-away illustrations, diagrams, tables and sectional drawings, this definitive encyclopedia of automotive engineering information is both exhaustive and accessible, making even sophisticated E39: Spouse of a skilled worker or professional classified as E31, E36, E32, or E37. You have came to the right place to search for that new OEM color for your car. When you installed a repaired DSC (Dynamic Stability Control) module to enable cruise control, odometer etc function, the DSC light will illuminates. Olympia Lighting 1000 Watt Equivalent, 250 Watt 5500K 208-480V LED Corn Bulb, Ballast Bypass. Breen recorded a language called Wadjigu spoken by Amy Miller from Rolleston, possibly born at Consuelo he describes it as belonging to the Bidjara group, located in the same area Tindale places Karingbal E38, close to Bidjara E37 and GariGari country (2009:237). Common sizes of the A bulb are A15, A19, and A21. Its fast and easy to obtain the radio code for your BMW stereo, simply follow the 3 simple steps on the right. For codes not listed in this table, consult the vehicle’s service workshop.